- Iridology – Introduction To Reading The Eyes Apr-23-24
$250 if paid at least one month early, $275 thereafter.
$15 for iris reading magnifying lens and light paid to Instructor on day of class.
Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM For Beginners and Professionals: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. With the study of Iridology, the eyes (specifically the iris) are believed to be the window to the entire body. Iridology has been used for many years throughout Europe and has gained popularity in the West during the past fifty years. During this exciting hands-on workshop, students will learn how to look at the iris of the eye, to identify which organs, glands, structures and anatomical systems of the body might be suffering the adverse effects of stress. Some subjects that will be explored are: What Iridology is and it’s history. What can and cannot be read using Iridology. Herring’s Law. Organic Functional Imbalance Curative Crisis “Reaction to the Natural Process from Organic Healing.” In addition these subjects will be covered. Introduction to: Ocular Anatomy and Physiology, Localization of the Areas of the Iris (Graph), Functional States of the Iris, Genetic Constitution, Marks of the Iris, Signs of the Iris. Students will be guided through practice using magnifying glass and light to “read” the iris of the eye. After this Seminar, you will never look at the eyes in the same way again. They are indeed powerful windows into the well-being of a person.
Instructor: Michael Salas ND
- Polarity Foot & Hand Reflexolog May 28-29
$250 if paid at least one month early, $275 thereafter.
Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM For Beginners and Professionals: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
Polarity Reflexology combines working energetically with the Five Elements of Polarity Therapy; Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether, with Foot & Hand Reflexology. Learn how the 5 elements (slightly different from Chinese Medicine) affect you, your client and your sessions together. It can become part of the way you communicate in all aspects of your life, including how you, the practitioner speak, move, touch and make protocol-related decisions, i.e. what areas of the feet and hands to emphasize for balancing your client elementally. A completely new In-Take Form and protocols are included, based on your client’s Five Element needs, such as grounding/fear (earth), motivating creativity (fire), grieving (ether), panic (air), not letting go (water). Being able to identify these elements in your clients, their bodies, their voices and their complaints helps identify opportunities for incorporating the 5 elements seamlessly into your sessions. Instructor, Lisa Chan, LAc, PHd, and RPP (Registered Polarity Practitioner) considers the principles of Polarity Reflexology a core part of all of her sessions as well as the larger world around her, outside of sessions. Come join the exploration of the 5 Elements, their corresponding sounds, music, voice, touch, movement, body mapping and Foot & Hand Reflexology in a new way of seeing your world and making a deeper, more connected impact on your work and life. This class is open to the enthusiastic non-reflexologist, massage therapists, Bodyworkers, Reflexologists, others in the caring arts, but some knowledge of reflexology is helpful.
Instructor: Lisa Chan LAc PhD
(CANCELLED) World Reflexology – Reflexology From Around The World__June 28-29$250 if paid at least one month early, $275 thereafter.
Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
For Beginners and Professionals: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
20 Exotic Reflexology Maps On Face, Head, Extremities & Energywork Through The Toes
Start your year off by exploring, hands-on, twenty (20) Reflexology maps of the body discovered by medical doctors from around the world during the second half of the twentieth century. Learn about the Korean Reflex Maps – a complete reflex map of the entire body, located in each hand, and, in each foot – not both feet and hands as in the common Western Reflexology maps. Learn and work with Reflexology maps on the nose, face, temple, crown, big web of the hands, the Taiwanese 2nd Metacarpal Reflexology Map, Phases 3 and 4 on the outer ear, and many others. Massage Therapists, Bodyworkers, Reflexologists, Nurses, primary health care providers and others will be able to work with these lesser Reflexology Maps separately, or incorporate them into their current touch therapy practices. You will be amazed at the profound power of what you will learn. Imagine being able to bring about profound relaxation, and even emotional release, with the lightest touch, just on the ten toes and ten fingers. In class, apply these unique techniques discovered by Bill, during his years of teaching Reflexology around the world. Until you experience it, it’s hard to believe how profound these can be. Students will practice on each other the “Brazilian Toe Technique,” the “California Toe Technique,” as well as the “Canadian Toe Technique.” Most people are amazed at how such light work can lead to such deep relaxation and occasionally such significant emotional releases. This class is ideal for all who would like to have simple, easy, gentle ways to induce profound relaxation.
Instructor: Bill Flocco NBCR
- Pathologies of the Feet Hands Outer Ears August 13-14
$250 if paid at least one month early, $275 thereafter.
Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM For Beginners and Professionals: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
While in Western Pathology Classes in acupuncture school, I constantly found myself exclaiming, ‘Reflexologists need to know this!’ “Who knew that acupuncture school could send me back to Reflexology with more dedication than ever? I understand that Reflexologists and other natural health practitioners do not diagnose, but knowledge is power.” – Lisa M. Chan, LAc, PhD. It seems, more than ever, Reflexologists are working closely with their Western and Eastern medicine counterparts. With so many of the symptoms of disease appearing on the feet and hands, Bill Flocco has agreed to hold this pathology class. (Pathology = the study of disease) Anyone dealing with feet, hands and outer ears would benefit from knowing or reviewing some of the possible reasons that people have non-healing wounds, edema, swelling, shooting pains, structural irregularities, weakness, neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel and repetitive disorders; or how diabetes, genetic disorders, DVT, MRSA, TB, AIDS, allergic reactions, cellulitis, phlebitis, lymphedema, syphilis, possible skin cancer, athletes foot, and how these may show up in, or impact feet, hands or outer ears. And, although Reflexologists and natural health practitioners do not diagnose, it can be valuable to learn when, and some ways of how, to refer clients to podiatrists, chiropractors, ERs, MDs and dermatologists. Additionally, learn hands-on techniques and exercises to help with structural issues of the feet and hands, as well as when to glove up and mask up with your clients, and how to clear your session/treatment rooms and yourselves after working with sick or possibly contagious people.
Instructor: Lisa Chan LAc PhD
- Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Intensive September 10-11, 24-25
$420 if paid at least one month early, $470 thereafter
Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
For Beginners and Professionals: 28 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States. Beginning Foot Reflexology Documented History, Three Primary Theories, Foot Reflexology Map, Causes of Tenderness (actual and theoretical), Special approaches for supporting feet while working on the client, 6 reflexing techniques, One hour hands-on Foot Reflexology routine as the basis of a flexible approach to reflexing, How much pressure, Cautions / Contraindications, Numerous benefits, Introduction to pulses, Advantages of Foot Reflexology
Beginning Hand Reflexology History and theories, Western hand Reflexology map, Similarities between hands and feet, Major differences between hands and feet, Causes of Tenderness (actual and theoretical), Special approaches for supporting hands while working on the client, 6 reflexing techniques, One hour hands-on Hand Reflexology routine as the basis of a flexible approach to reflexing, How much pressure, Cautions / Contraindications, Advantages of Hand Reflexology
Beginning Ear Reflexology Documented History, Two theories, Difference between ear Reflexology and Auriculotherapy, Structures of outer ear, Integration of French and Chinese charts, 5 vital “Master Points” location and use, Five specialized touch techniques specifically for the outer ear, One hour Ear Reflexology routine as the basis of flexible approach to reflexing, Beginning exploration of the subtle pulses of the outer ear, Dramatic advantages of Ear Reflexology
Instructor: Stefanie Sabounchian NBCR
- Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course * October 21, 22, 23, November 11, 12, 13
$775 if paid by September 25th, $825 thereafter
Registration Fee: $25 if paid by September 25th, $75 thereafter.
Friday – Sunday 9:00 AM – 6:20 PM * Prerequisite: Beginning 28 Hour Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course from The Academy or equivalent instruction from a hands-on school.
50 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
Advanced Foot Reflexology Routine, Advanced Hand Reflexology Routine, Advanced Ear Reflexology Routine, Anatomy from the point of view of the Reflexologist, Reflexing for 6 of 12 Anatomical Systems, Reflexing for the Seven Reflexology Regions, Introduction to “Priority Reflexing” – When Feet or Hands or Ears are more effective, Introduction to “Progression Reflexing,” 6 Targeted Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Routines for pain in specific parts of the body, Introduction to use of Client History Forms, Code of Ethics
Instructors: Lisa Chan, Bill Flocco, Stefanie Sabounchian
- Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course ** Date to be announced 2017
$775 if paid (date to be announced for 2017
Friday – Sunday 9:00 AM – 6:20 PM
** Prerequisite: Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course from The Academy
50 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
General One Hour Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Routine, Four Ways to Modify Foot Hand Ear & Integrated Routines based on each person’s ever changing needs, Continue with “Progression Reflexing,” 6 more Targeted Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Routines for pain in specific parts of the body, Reflexing For 6 more Anatomical Systems, Light Pressure and Hard Tissue Reflexing Techniques, What Parts of the body help other parts to work better, Five ways to measure client progress, Advanced use of Client History Forms, How to Build a Thriving Practice, How to Maintain a Successful Practice, Business and Marketing Skills, Legal and Licensing Issues, How to be an Exceptionally Effective Practitioner of the Integration Of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Instructors: Lisa Chan, Bill Flocco, Stefanie Sabounchian
- Condition Specific Disorders III With Foot Hand Ear Reflexology *** November 19-20
$250 if paid at least one month early, $275 thereafter.
Saturday & Sunday, 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM For Beginners and Professionals: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, NCBTMB, ABMP, and many States.
* Prerequisite: Beginning Foot Reflexology from a hands-on school
problems with kidneys, prostate, colon, lungs, and spinal column are almost of epidemic proportions. The incidence of kidneys, prostate, colon, lungs, and spinal column problems is growing, causing terrible pain and suffering. In a clinical setting, using Integrative Medical approaches, Foot Hand Ear Reflexology has become an integral part of caring for patients with these chronic and degenerative health challenges. During this hands-on Seminar, students will learn where and how to work on Feet, Hands, and Ears for relieving stresses related to Kidney Conditions, Prostatitis, Crohn’s Disease, and Asthma-COPD, Spinal Discogenic Conditions. This Seminar is for the person relatively new to the touch therapies as well as for the experienced practitioner.
*Prerequisite: Beginning Foot Reflexology from a hands-on school.
Instructor: Paul Harvey
Administrative Address for correspondence & phone calls American Academy of Reflexology, Bill Flocco, Director, 12719 Sarah Street, Studio City, CA 91604
818 841-7741 AAReflex@aol.com www.AmericanAcademyofReflexology.com
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Instructional Content For All Classes 2016
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