Monday, 31 December 2018

Beginning Foot Reflexology

Upcoming Classes Beginning Foot Reflexology 
Reflexology is the scientific art of applying specific touch techniques to the feet, hands and outer ears. Theory suggests that there is a pressure map of the body that can be skillfully used to promote relaxation and has shown many other health benefits.
Priority Reflexing. Some health challenges are best addressed by Foot Reflexology, others by Hand Reflexology, and yet others respond far better to Ear Reflexology. This is called Priority Reflexing, which is best for specific conditions or parts of the body, Foot Reflexology, Hand Reflexology, or Ear Reflexology. In other words, when there is pain or discomfort in each specific part of the body, where to go first – which is the top priority – feet, or hands, or outer ears. 
Contact us: 
Bill Flocco
Kali Institute for Massage and Somatic Therapies 
Add-  746 E. Main St.Ventura, CA 93001
For joining Visit here:   Foot Reflexology Ventura 

Monday, 17 December 2018


The following Abstract appears at the beginning of the Research Study Published in 1993 for readers to gain a quick overview of the study to determine if they would like to look into reading the entire published study.

Randomized Controlled Study Of Premenstrual Symptoms
Treated with Ear, Hand, and Foot Reflexology
by Terry Oleson, Ph.D., and William S. Flocco

Objective: To determine whether reflexology therapy — the application of manual pressure to reflex points on the ears, hands, and feet that somatotopically correspond to specific areas of the body — can significantly reduce premenstrual symptoms compared to placebo treatment. Read more…

For more info visit here: Foot Reflexology Los Angeles

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Monday, 10 December 2018


This study was what is called a “Single-Blind” study. What this means is that the research assistants needed to know ahead of time which women were in the Active Reflexology Group so they would give this group of women the real reflexology session, and which women were in the Placebo Control Group so they would give this other group of women the fake reflexology session. This means that the practitioner was not “blind” to which of the two groups each woman belonged.
The women did not know if they were in the Active Reflexology Group or the Placebo Control Group. So the women were “blind” to which group they were in. Saying it more briefly; the practitioners were not blind (they knew which group each woman was in); the women were blind (they did not know which group they were in). This makes it a single-blind study. Read more…

For more info visit here: Foot Reflexology Los Angeles

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