Hands 1st Ten Fascinating Facts About Hands Every Practitioner Should Know
1). A quarter of all the bones in your body are found in your two hands.
2). Your hand is built in 3 sections: fingers are called phalanges, long
bones in the middle of your hand are called metacarpals, and the wrist
bones are called carpals.
3). Your hand contains 27 major and minor bones in each hand.
4).There are 14 phalanges in the thumb and fingers.
5).The thumb has two bones.
7). Each of the other four fingers in each hand has 3 bones (phalanges);
The distal phalanges (distal meaning
6). further away from the body); the
middle, a.k.a. medial phalanges; and the proximal phalanges (proximal
meaning closest to the body).
7). There are 5 long bones, metatarsals, in each hand, that connect the fingers to the wrist.
8). There are 8 wrist bones (carpals).
9). Your hands may also have numerous tiny sesamoid bones—which differ
in number from person to person and appear in the hand’s tendons.
10).Each hand contains 29 major joints
Hands 2nd Ten Fascinating Facts About Hands Every Practitioner Should Know
1). Each hand has at least 129 named ligaments.
2). The hand has 34 muscles that move the fingers and thumbs: 17 in the palm of the hand and 18 in the forearm.
3). We work our fingers by remote control…from our brain
4). The fingers are special, because
there are no muscles inside the fingers.
The muscles which bend the finger joints are located in the palm and up
in the mid forearm, and are connected to the finger bones by tendons,
which pull on and move the fingers like the strings of a marionette.
5). Each hand has 48 nerves: 3 major nerves, 24 named sensory branches and 21 named muscular branches.
6). Each hand has 30 named arteries and nearly as many smaller named branches.
7). Fingers are never perfectly straight.
8). The finger bones are relatively straight on the backside, but curved on the palm side.
9). The hand has five fingers.
10) Some babies are born with more than 5 fingers on a hand; the
condition is called polydactyly or extra digits.There is no real
explanation for this condition; however, it seems to be genetics and
passed down through the mother’s line.
Hands 3rd Ten Fascinating Facts About Hands Every Practitioner Should Know
1). Black babies are 10 times more likely than White babies to be born polydactyly.
2). Some babies are born with webbed fingers called syndactyly. It is a
fairly common congenital defect that runs in families, affecting boy
babies more often than girls and affects Caucasians more often than
Blacks or Asians.
3). White babies are four times more likely than Black babies to be born syndactyly.
4). The five fingers had unusual names in the past.
5. The Anglo-Saxons called the first finger
scite or
shooting finger; in Middle English it was called the
5). In Middle English, the middle finger was known as the
longman or
long finger.
6. The Anglo-Saxons called the little finger, the “ear finger” because
it was the one used to pick wax out of one’s ear. In Middle English, it
was called the “little man.”
7). The ring finger was known in Middle English as the
lec-man or
leech finger.
And had medical powers like the leech. It was believed a nerve ran
from the ring finger straight to the heart. For the same reason, the
Germans called that finger the
Artrzfinger or Doctor’s Finger.
8). The Romans also called the ring finger the
digitus medicinalis and it has a similar medical name in Greek, Japanese, Korean and Polish.
9). The muscles which power the fingers are strong—strong enough to help
rock climbers support their entire weight at times by a few fingertips.
10).Fingernails grow about the same amount as the world’s continents
move every year.
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