Reflexology For Kidney Conditions, Prostatitis, Crohn’s Disease, Asthma- COPD, Spinal Discogenic Conditions
Perhaps you have heard of the world famous Whittaker Health Newsletter. Desperate people with life threatening health challenges travel from all over North America and the world to the Whitaker Wellness Institute in Orange County, California. The team of five medical doctors and staff Reflexologist Paul Harvey has been working with those suffering from the below conditions with remarkable results. During this hands-on Seminar, students will learn where and how to work on Feet, Hands, and Ears for relieving stresses related to each of these health challenges.
Kidney Conditions
Crohn’s Disease
Spinal Discogenic Conditions
About Your Instructor: Paul Harvey is a graduate of the Academy, is Past Chairperson of the National Health Federation, Past Board member of the Reflexology Association of California, and maintains a thriving Reflexology practice in Orange County, California. He was recently presented the prestigious “Clinical Reflexology Award” by the Reflexology Association of America, for his many years of remarkable achievements with Reflexology in a clinical setting. Paul is renowned for his delightful, gentle, and knowledgeable teaching style.
November 19-20, 2016
Saturday & Sunday
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Both Days
Location: 13315 W. Washington Blvd, LA, CA 90066 3rd Floor, TOT Room, near Lincoln Blvd, close to Marina del Rey, Free ground floor parking. Student lounge. Restaurants nearby. Ask for Hotel list.
Fee: $250 One month early, $275 thereafter. Refund
100% if cancellation by day prior to class. Thereafter, refund less
$25. Or, fee may be applied to future class or transferred to another
person. Class size limited.
Receive: Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.
CE Hours: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many States
Receive: Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.
818 841-7741