Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology 28 Hours Instructional Content
Foot Reflexology Day 1 & 2 14 Hours
- Documented History
- Three Primary Theories
- Foot Reflexology Map
- Causes of Tenderness (actual and theoretical)
- Special approaches for supporting feet while working on the client
- 6 reflexing techniques
- One hour hands-on Foot Reflexology routine as the basis of a flexible approach to reflexing
- How much pressure
- Cautions / Contraindications
- Numerous benefits
- Introduction to pulses
- Advantages of Foot Reflexology
Hand Reflexology Day 3 7 Hours
- History and theories
- Western hand Reflexology map
- Similarities between hands and feet
- Major differences between hands and feet
- Causes of Tenderness (actual and theoretical)
- Special approaches for supporting hands while working on the client
- 6 reflexing techniques
- One hour hands-on Hand Reflexology routine as the basis of a flexible approach to reflexing
- How much pressure
- Cautions
- Contraindications
- Advantages of Hand Reflexology
Ear Reflexology Day 4 7 Hours
- Documented History
- Two theories
- Difference between ear Reflexology and Auriculotherapy
- Structures of outer ear
- Integration of French and Chinese charts
- 5 vital “Master Points” location and use
- Five specialized touch techniques specifically for the outer ear
- One hour Ear Reflexology routine as the basis of flexible approach to reflexing
- Beginning exploration of the subtle pulses of the outer ear
- Dramatic advantages of Ear Reflexology
After completing the above 28 Hour Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course
You can elect to continue with Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course.
Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Instructional Content 50 Hours
- Advanced Foot Reflexology Routine
- Advanced Hand Reflexology Routine
- Advanced Ear Reflexology Routine
- Anatomy from the point of view of the Reflexologist
- Reflexing for 6 of 12 Anatomical Systems
- Reflexing for the Seven Reflexology Regions
- Introduction to “Priority Reflexing” – When Feet or Hands or Ears are more effective
- Introduction to “Progression Reflexing” 6 Targeted Integrated Foot
Hand Ear Reflexology Routines for pain in specific parts of the body
- Introduction to use of Client History Forms
- Code of Ethics
After completing the above Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course
You can elect to continue with Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course.
Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Instructional Content 50 Hours
- General One Hour Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Routine
- Four Ways to Modify Foot Hand Ear & Integrated Routines based on each person’s ever changing needs
- Continue with “Progression Reflexing” 6 more Targeted Integrated
Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Routines for pain in specific parts of the
- Reflexing For 6 more Anatomical Systems
- Light Pressure and Hard Tissue Reflexing Techniques
- What Parts of the body help other parts to work better
- Five ways to measure client progress
- Advanced use of Client History Forms
- How to Build a Thriving Practice
- How to Maintain a Successful Practice
- Business and Marketing Skills
- Legal and Licensing Issues
- How to be an Exceptionally Effective Practitioner of the Integration Of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology
- Beginning Foot, Hand, and Ear Reflexology (28 hours). For Beginners & Professionals
$420 one month before class, $470 thereafter
- Beginning Integrated Foot Hand and Ear Reflexology
(50 Hours). This can be taken after the Beginning Foot Hand Ear
Reflexology Course. It can be taken without continuing with the Advanced
Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course. However, it is required
before taking the Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology
Certificate Course.
* Prerequisite: The above 28 Hour Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course from The Academy or equivalent instruction from a hands-on school.
$775 by September 25th, $825 thereafter
Registration Fee: $25 by September 25th, $75 thereafter.
- Advanced Integrated Foot Hand and Ear Reflexology (50 Hours).To be offered during 2017.
** Prerequisite: The above Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Course from an Academy Authorized Instructor.
The non-refundable Registration
Fees covers cost of processing the application, record keeping, and
related administrative costs. Based on individual needs, payment plans can be tailor-made, by mutual agreement.
Refund Policy The refund
policy for students who have completed less than 50% of each course
shall be a pro rata refund. Thereafter there will be no refund.
Beginning & Integrated Courses: Dates & Times 2016
Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology (28 Hours)
September 10-11, 24-25 Sat & Sun 9:00 – 5:30
Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology (50 Hours)
(Six Days) October 21, 22, 23, November 11, 12, 13 Friday – Sunday 9:00-6:20
* Prerequisite: At least 28 Hours of Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology from AAR or another hands-on school
Advanced Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology (50 Hours)
(Six Days) To be offered during 2017, Dates to be determined. Friday – Sunday 9:00-6:20
** Beginning Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology from the Academy
Why You Can Have Confidence In What You Will Learn
Greater Results, because of many ways you will learn to work with all three Reflexology maps – feet, hands, and ears – during the same session.
Priority Reflexing, when there is pain in some part of the body, knowing
which of the three Reflexology maps will bring the most dependable relief, i.e. which is top priority for pain relief – feet, hands, or ears.
Progression Reflexing, knowing the most effective progression of
where to work 1st, 2nd, and 3rd – feet, hands, or ears, depending on what parts and functions of the body are adversely affecting a person.
Inner Satisfaction of being able to help people so
much more because of knowing the most effective ways of working with all
three Reflexology maps.
Appreciation of Clients, Family, Friends and others for helping them
feel so much better with the
benefits lasting so much longer because of your
knowing the technology of how to work with all three Reflexology maps.
Quality of Our Core Instructors, personally selected
and trained by Bill Flocco, only after they have had years of
experience as active practitioners of the “Flocco Method, Integrating
Foot Hand Ear Reflexology.” They then have several years of specialty
training in adult education dynamics and instructional methodology.
Expertise of Our Continuing Education Instructors,
selected because of their years of exceptional success as both
practitioners as well as instructors in their areas of specialization.
Special Inner Quality that each instructor carries, immediately lets the student know how sacred each student is and how much they are
respected and valued.
All Learning Materials are specifically written and developed for our classes and students.
Our Profound Commitment to each student to help you become the best Reflexologist that you can possibly become.
33 Years of teaching this highly documented,
remarkably effective, unique body of knowledge, to 1,000s of
practitioners on four continents.
Scientifically Proven Effective The “Flocco Method – Integrating Foot Hand Ear Reflexology” is the first Reflexology Method
documented for it’s effectiveness, and
published in scientific medical literature. “Obstetrics & Gynecology” December 1993; Volume 82, pages 906-911
We have taught thousands across America and around the world
to be highly effective Foot Hand Ear Reflexologists. We look forward to
the opportunity to do the same for you