Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Reflexology Lessons from the Berlin Wall – Bill Flocco

Shortly after the Berlin wall came down in 1989 I started teaching Integrated Foot Hand Ear Reflexology classes in Berlin, Germany. Many deep and richly rewarding experiences followed during the next 20 years of teaching in Central, Northern and Southern Germany. One such highlight came via the Berlin Wall. It still impacts my life almost 25 years later.

During the Beginning Foot Hand Ear Reflexology Workshop in as parsely yet tastefully appointed yoga studio in West Berlin, most of the students were from more affluent and free West Berlin. One student was from East Berlin, the part of divided Germany that for decades had been under totalitarian control, behind the Berlin Wall.There were visual and behavioral difference between students from West and East Berlin. West Berliners were like Reflexology students in any free country where I’ve taught;smiling, playful, obviously excited about learning. They also had brightness in their eye and vibrant skin tones. East Berliners seldom smiled, seemed withdrawn, subdued. The eyes seemed sullen, cautious, skin tones lacked color.

Part of my teaching style is to use approaches that empower students to explore new ways of healing and helping themselves, and others. During one such skill I asked students to do, everyone from West Berlin did so right away, but not the student from East Berlin. My associate and translator explained to me that people who had been under totalitarian rule behind the Berlin Wall for so many years, were afraid to take risks, afraid to make mistakes. Stepping out of line / doing something wrong,under the East Berlin Regime could get someone in serious trouble. With a gentle voice, I encouraged the student to give it a try, assured and reassured her that anything she did would be alright, that it was desirable to try new approaches. So she did. I was pleased for her, but gave it little more thought, as there was the entire class to focus on for two full days of instruction.

What this short story is about happened at the very end of the hands-on workshop. After reviewing what knowledge and skills had been learned during the two days, and giving everyone their Certificates of Attendance, two of the students, one from West Berlin the other from East Berlin, stood up, came to where I was, started speaking,talking to the class and to me, then quietly reached into a bag they were carrying.

I’m rarely at a loss for words, but the symbolism of what they gave me struck deep, and still does to this day almost 25 years later. Turns out, after class the previous day, the two students, one from the West the other from the East, went to get the gift, and in class gave me a rather large piece of the Berlin Wall.

I was profoundly moved that this gift came from the free and the newly free. Not only was this a symbol of an entire people being prevented from freedom to risk, to grow, to thrive, but also, a symbol of the walls all of us have in our lives, be they external obstacles or personal walls within ourselves.

To this day, when facing new challenges or any of my own personal inner walls, I look over at this gift, the gift of the Berlin Wall, and am reminded that, walls can and do come down.

May you dear reader, be able to have the courage and confidence to face your own walls and know that with persistence, they indeed, can come down.

for more info: www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Sunday, 17 August 2014


       Once in a lifetime a book comes along that sets a new standard for an entire profession.

This latest, completely revised, updated book by veteran Reflexology historian and trail blazer, Christine Issel, does just that. If you have her previous edition, other then the cover looking similar, inside, you would not recognize this new edition, it is that much different. With 165 new pages, and 18 Mini-Biographies of leaders in the field of Reflexology, from cover to cover, it is overflowing in each

                        page with well-documented new insights of great depth and substance.


                           Here is a taste of what you will discover in this far-reaching book: 


For shipping in california           For shipping outside in california

For more info: http://www.americanacademyofreflexology.com/featured-reflexology-product/




Thursday, 31 July 2014

Face Reflexology

Face Reflexology is a science and art of utilizing the mini maps of the human body found on the face to balance and rejuvenate the whole body. Face Reflexology uses a series of fingers and thumb techniques via the mini maps on the face that resembles the human body to achieve balance to the body, mind and spirit. In this class you will be learning the 2 important mini reflexology maps of the body found on the face.

Along with the specific techniques used on the face reflexology, you will also learn the 3 major face Reflexology routines and a lymphatic drainage routine on the face.Based on class interest there also might be discussions about the basic concepts of meridians, herbal formulas, essential oil remedies and Bach flower remedies utilizing the About Face book by Ko Tan as tools to learn how to look and feel great. The About Face book by Ko Tan is included in the class fee.

August 2-3, 2014 Saturday & Sunday 9:0 0 AM –5:30 PM Both Days

Location : 13315 W. Washington Blvd, LA , CA 90066 3rd Floor, TOT Room, near Lincoln Blvd, close to Marina del Rey, Free ground floor parking. Student lounge. Restaurants nearby. Ask for Hotel list.

Fee: $220 One month early, $240 thereafter. Refund100% if cancellation by day prior to class. Thereafter, refund less $25.Or, fee may be applied to future class or transferred to another person. Class size limited.

Prerequisite: Beginning Foot Reflexology from a hands-on school.

Receive: Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.

CE Hours: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many States

For more info :http://www.americanacademyofreflexology.com/

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

21 Advantages & Benefits of Attending Reflexology Conferences By Bill Flocco

  • Network with Reflexologists form other towns, cities, regions, states, countries
  • Talk one-on-one with speakers and other leaders in the field
  • Gain updated information to take back home to share with clients or colleagues
  • Lear nnew hands-on techniques by sharing with people from other methods & schools
  • Be among the first to be introduced to the newest trends in the field
  • Meet and break bread with the trendsetters
  • Learn about key issues in legislation, human trafficking, state Reflexology laws
  • Meet those who have been actively dealing with these issues on behalf of you and the field
  • Explore latest publications, books, DVD, and more at exhibit booths
  • Renew your fire and passion for your practice and your profession
  • Start or renew professional relationships you can continue on social media or in person
  • Develop a mentality of always learning & always growing professionally
  • Seek out people who can help you with questions or issues you bring from your practice
  • Make your intent, before each presentation, to learn at least one new bit of information. Imagine how many new insights you will have gained by the end of each day.
  • During each break meet at least one new person
  • Occasionally sit next to someone you don’t know
  • Learn during breaks as well as during meals
  • Become a force to reinvigorate your national, regional, state Reflexology Organizations
  • Discover opportunities to be of service, nationally, regionally, at the state or local levels
  • Ask how you can help – conventions always need help with greeting, party favors, etc.
  • Thank the people who, for a year or two, worked to make the conference work for you.
For more info :- http://www.americanacademyofreflexology.com/

A One Page Abstract

The following Abstract appears at the beginning of the Research Study Published in 1993 for readers to gain a quick overview of the study to determine if they would like to look into reading the entire published study.
Randomized Controlled Study Of Premenstrual Symptoms
Treated with Ear, Hand, and Foot Reflexology
by Terry Oleson, Ph.D., and William S. Flocco
Objective: To determine whether reflexology therapy – the application of manual pressure to reflex points on the ears, hands, and feet that somatotopically correspond to specific areas of the body – can significantly reduce premenstrual symptoms compared to placebo treatment.

Methods: Thirty-five women who complained of previous distress with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) were randomly assigned to be treated by ear, hand, and foot reflexology or to receive placebo reflexology. All subjects completed a daily diary, which monitored 38 premenstrual symptoms on a four-point scale. Somatic and psychological indicators of premenstrual distress were recorded each day for 2 months before treatment, for 2 months during reflexology and for 2 months afterward. The reflexology sessions for both groups were provided by a trained reflexology therapist once a week for 8 weeks, and lasted 30 minutes each.

Results: Analysis of variance for repeated measures demonstrated a significantly greater decrease in premenstrual symptoms for the women given true reflexology treatment than for the women in the placebo group.

Conclusion: These clinical findings support the use of ear, hand and foot reflexology for the treatment of PMS. (ObstetGynecol 1993;82:906-11)

For more info :- http://www.americanacademyofreflexology.com/

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Reflexology For Emphysema

A 55-year-old lady suffering from emphysema experiences dramatic relief from her symptoms and greater ease of breathing.

Emphysema is surprisingly prevalent among people who smoke pipes, cigars or cigarettes, those who live or work in highly polluted areas, such as around spores, herbicides and pesticides, factories with high air contaminants, or people who live in especially polluted urban centers.

Emphysema results from the breaking down of the little air pockets in the lungs, called alveoli, causing larger spaces. Lungs lose the capacity to take natural fluids or mucus up to the throat and out.  As this condition worsens, people with emphysema develop a cough, because of the fluid build up  in the lungs, the result of the lungs inability to expel the fluids naturally.

Reflexology is the natural health science of applying finger and thumb pressure, using specific techniques, to points found in the feet, hands and outer ears that correspond to reflex maps resembling a shape of the human body. By placing specific finger and thumb pressure on the lung reflexes of the feet, hands and ears, in a surprising number of cases people report relief of their lung related tensions and discomforts.

For Reflexology for emphysema, first go to your feet, lung reflexes are located, primarily, in the grooves on the top of your feet.  Place the tip of your thumb or index finger in each groove, and apply gentle pressure.

For Reflexology for emphysema, second go to your hands, lung reflexes are located, primarily, in the grooves on the back of your hands.  As in the feet, place the tip of your thumb or index finger in each groove, and apply gentle pressure.

For Reflexology for emphysema, third go to your ears, lung reflexes are located in the lower valley, the recessed area near your ear canal, merely by placing the tip of your index fingers against the part of the ear in the lower valley.  In effect, you will be gently applying pressure directly against the head bone.

It is recommend that you reflex each of these areas for 5 to 10 minutes, once or twice a day.

When you work on your lung reflexes, if you find tenderness in your feet, hands or ears, look at this tenderness as a gift and spend more time working on tender areas.  Frequently, the result is that people report feeling better in the related part of the body.

It is often recommended to drink an extra glass or two of water to help flush toxins out of the body. If conditions persist, it might be wise to see your primary health care provider.

Like the 55-year-old lady, you or those you work on can experience relief with Reflexology for emphysema.

For more info :http://www.americanacademyofreflexology.com/

Monday, 16 June 2014

Reflexology For Vermont Flood Victims

On August 29th Hurricane Irene caused the worst flooding in over a century to small towns in upstate New York, and Southern and Central Vermont. The normal peaceful meandering rivers became ravaging flood waters within hours. Houses along these rivers quickly flooded and people were evacuated. The waters quickly receded within hours of the flood but left lingering damage.

I had the opportunity to provide reflexology services to 15 flood victims in Moretown, Vermont two weeks after the flood. Moretown is a small town along the Mad River, near Stowe Vermont. Many of the victims had immense flood damage to their homes or their properties and they also had harrowing stories of escaping from the flood waters.

Being a psychiatric nurse, I naturally honed into the mind-body connection, supporting their emotional being via the physical touch of reflexology.

I listened to their stories while working on the adrenal, pituitary, heart, kidney, liver and spinal reflexes of their feet. Since the majority of the clients had shallow breathing as the result of the trauma (several of the clients had to climb out of their kitchen windows in order to avoid drowning)…I worked on their lung and chest reflexes.

The clients relaxed, were calmer and some even began to express emotion. Mental Health Services had provided education and counseling to the town the previous week and all my clients were well-versed in the different stages of grieving.

Words can not fully express the experience of providing reflexology services to clients after a disaster. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. I have never been so grateful for my reflexology training.See more at: www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Many Needs By Injured and Disaster First Responders By Bill Flocco

People who have suffered through a natural disaster might have physical
pain as well as other types of health issues and needs, such as:
  1. Musculoskeletal Pain – Pain Reduction, Management, and Elimination,
    such as injuries, strains, sprains, fractures, etc., in the head, teeth, jaw, in neck, shoulders; upper, mid, lower back, hips, sciatica; arms, legs, ribs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, joints
  2. Pain Inside The Body – Headaches, sinuses, teeth, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, heartburn, gallbladder, kidneys, colon/large intestines, uterus, prostate, urinary bladder and more
  3. Anxiety – exhaustion, fear, tension, stress, depression
  4. Sleep – getting to sleep, staying asleep
  5. Feel, function, and cope better
  6. Safe Caring Nurturing Reassuring Touch
Reflexing For Pain Relief
Since, in 1982, coining the term “Ear Reflexology” and pioneering the Integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology into the same Reflexology session, we have discovered that when it comes to using Reflexology for the relief of pain, for some parts of the body the feet are more effective, for other parts of the body the hands are more effective, and for yet other parts of the body ears are more effective. The question is, where would you reflex first for most consistent dependable relief of pain in different parts of the body.

During the early phases after a disaster happens, with lots of people in pain, it will be helpful to know which reflex – the reflex on the feet, hands, or ears – will help most for pain relief, not only to help relieve pain as quickly as possible, but also, the sooner pain is reduced, the sooner you can move on to help others. 

After three decades of working with all three, we give you the General
Patters of where to reflex for pain relief:

Priority Reflexing – Top Priority Between Feet Hands Ear
Brain (Headaches & Sinuses) – Hands
Jaws, Neck, Shoulders, Lower Back, Hips, Sciatica – Ears
Thoracic Spine – Feet
Inner Chest and Inner Abdomen – Feet

Reflexing All Three
We also discovered, as logic would suggest, if there is more time to reflex someone, reflexing specific reflexes on all three, feet, hands and ears, produces better results. For example, if someone has lower back pain, reflexing the lower back reflexes on all three, feet hands ears, yields getter results.

Progression Reflexing – Where To Reflex 1st, 2nd, 3rd
When There Is Pain In These Seven Regions Of The Body Reflex:

Brain (Headaches & Sinuses) – Hands 1st, Ears 2nd, Feet 3rd

Jaws, Neck, Shoulders, Lower Back, Hips, Sciatica – Ears 1st, Feet 2nd, Hands 3rd

Thoracic Spine – Feet 1st, Hands 2nd, Ears 3rd

Inner Chest and Inner Abdomen – Feet 1st, Hands a very close 2nd, Ears 3rd

Upper Arms to finger tips – Hands 1st, Feet 2nd, Ears 3rd

Upper Leg to tips of toes – Feet 1st, Hands 2nd, Ears 3rd

Where Reflexes Are Located For Each Of These Parts Of The Body.

1st Hands: half of the thumb closer to the tip
2nd Ears: Upper part of ear lobe
3rd Feet: half of the big toe closer to the tip

1st Ears: Inner ridge near ear lobe
2nd Feet: half of the big toe closer to the foot
3rd Hands: half of the thumb closer to the hand

1st Feet: Ball & Pad between base of toes and arch
2nd Hands: Palm surface of knuckles at base of fingers
3rd Ears: Inner chest – lower valley, External chest – wider part of inner ridge

1st Ears: Near base of long valley
2nd Feet: Grooves on tops of feet
3rd Hands: Grooves on back of hands

Upper Abdomen
1st Feet: Soft sole – arch
2nd Hands: Soft part of palms
3rd Ears: Inner Abdomen – Upper valley, External Abdomen – wider part of inner ridge

Lower Abdomen
1st Feet: Sole surface of heal
2nd Hands: Palm surface of heal
3rd Ears: Inner Abdomen – Upper valley and triangular valley, External Abdomen – wider part of inner ridge

1st Hands: Outer edge from below small finger down toward the wrist
2nd Feet: Outer edge from below small toe down toward the heel
3rd Ears: Long Valley

Hips & Legs
1st Ears: Hips, narrow ridge. Legs, wide ridge & triangular valley
2nd Feet: Soft triangle on outer edge of feet, below outer ankle bone
3rd Hands: Outer edge of hand, far below the small finger, near the wrist

Thoracic Spinal Column (mid spine)
1st Feet: Inner edge from below big toe all the way to the heel
2nd Hands: Inner edge from below the thumb all the way to the heel
3rd Ears: Inner edge of Inner ridge

Lumbar Spinal Column (back bones) & Sciatica
1st Ears: Narrow ridge
2nd Feet: Inner edge from below big toe all the way to the heel
3rd Hands: Inner edge from below the thumb all the way to the heel

Cause No Injury – Prevent Additional Injury
When people are injured, and in disasters many are likely to be, when
using Reflexology, be careful, be conservative, do not aggravate any
existing condition. This means you might not be able to reflex all or
parts of feet, or hands, or ears. You might need to reflex for very short
periods of time, 5 to 15 minutes, might need to reflex quite lightly, apply
no stretching or pulling – such as on fingers and toes, possibly need to
hold reflexes instead of using movements that move the tissue.

If many are injured, you might need to show people where and how to
reflex their own, as well as their neighbor’s, feet, hands, and ears.

Reflexology is not a substitute for Injury & Trauma First Aid
Reflexology in not a substitute for Emergency Medical Care
Reflexology is not a substitute for Medical Care from a Primary Health Provider

About Author:
Bill`s introduction to Reflexology might have started as a young boy. His mother went through many surgeries. She used today, Billy, would you rub my feet? Mama Flocci`s feet would feel better, and, the rest of her would feel better as well.

In 1982 Bill coined the word Ear Reflexology began pioneering the integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, in so doing accelerating the popularization not only of Ear Reflexology, but also of Hand Reflexology at conferences and workshops around the world. More information please visit site www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Emergency Checklists

Emergency Checklists

Click On Link That Is Best For Your Possible Needs
* Water, food, shelter, clothes, bedding will be of top priority, as will First Aid and Medical Care. However, even if First Aid and medical workers become available, as we have seen in a number of major disasters, their numbers, depending on the severity and scope of the disaster, are only going to be able to help a limited number of people. Become self-reliant.

** In providing this information, this is not an endorsement or recommendation for any specific equipment, organization, or company. This is provided for educational purposes with the wish that you and your loved ones be safe, healthy, vibrant, and joyful. 

About Author:
Bill`s introduction to Reflexology might have started as a young boy. His mother went through many surgeries. She used today, Billy, would you rub my feet? Mama Flocci`s feet would feel better, and, the rest of her would feel better as well.

In 1982 Bill coined the word Ear Reflexology began pioneering the integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, in so doing accelerating the popularization not only of Ear Reflexology, but also of Hand Reflexology at conferences and workshops around the world. More information please visit site www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

3-Day or 30-Day Emergency Preparedness

I went to an Emergency Preparedness workshop in the city where I live (Burbank, California,) where we were told that it is no longer the thinking of local government, police, fire and emergency services for people and their families to be prepared to be self sufficient for three days. They strongly suggested to be prepared for at least a month … a very sobering thought.

Three Day Emergency Disaster Preparedness Is Not Enough

Everyone knows the value of having an emergency kit in cars; some people are well prepared, some are not. Everyone knows the value of having an emergency kit in their home or apartment; some people are well prepared, some are not. But what about for massive emergency disasters?

Most people think,

  • “It won’t happen to me.”
  • “I’ll be taken care of by municipal services.”
  • “It won’t be that long.”
  • “I’ll get to it later.”

Since for many people, long term Emergency Preparedness is relatively new thinking, you will likely need to be creative in building your emergency plan, checklist, and materials.

Go back to the eNewsletter, 2. Checklists For Different Types Of Disasters.

Depending on different types of Emergency Disasters that might happen where you live or work – you can use them to help you and your loved ones become prepared.

In addition to what we have provided for you in that list of Emergency Preparedness Checklists, you might want to go to several other sources, such as your local city, your county/parish/provincial, and state government offices and/or websites.

About Author:
Bill`s introduction to Reflexology might have started as a young boy. His mother went through many surgeries. She used today, Billy, would you rub my feet? Mama Flocci`s feet would feel better, and, the rest of her would feel better as well.

In 1982 Bill coined the word Ear Reflexology began pioneering the integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, in so doing accelerating the popularization not only of Ear Reflexology, but also of Hand Reflexology at conferences and workshops around the world. More information please visit site www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Intentionality & Visualization For The Healing Process

Extensive research has been conducted around the world scientifically documenting the power of intentionality and visualization by people like Wayne Dyer PBS, Larry Dossey MD, and reported by Lynne McTaggart and others. This experiential workshop emphasizes practical easy to use time proven Native American traditions as well as validated New Age approaches to increase the results you get when working on yourself, your loved ones and clients. Learn how to incorporate what you learn with Foot, Hand and Ear Reflexology. This class is about healing with intention, and technologies of intentionality and visualization. It is an introduction.

About Your Instructor – Lisa Chan started studying with Deepak Chopra in 1993, traveled as far as Siberia, Mongolia, Belize and Brazil, to study and witness miraculous healing that can not be explained by Western Science. Lisa is a graduate of Clearsight school of intuitive clairvoyance, completed six years of study at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, four years of apprenticeship in psychic healing, years of work with a Chinese Qi Gong Master and is second degree Reiki. Besides being the Academy’s senior instructor in Los Angeles, Lisa has an “alternate private practice” in aura, chakra and space clearing as well as leading drumming circles, teaching shamanic journeying, doing shamanic healing and soul retrieval. Lisa also is a licensed Acupuncturist.

Lisa just published her long awaited wonderful Children’s Reflexology Coloring Book.

June 21-22, 2014     Sat & Sun     9:30 AM – 5 PM

Location:     13315 W. Washington Blvd, LA, CA 90066, 3rd Floor, TOT Room, near Lincoln Blvd, Marina del Rey. & LAX, Free ground floor parking. Student lounge. Restaurants nearby. Ask for Hotel list.

Fee:     $220 one month early, $240 thereafter. Refund 100% if cancellation by day prior to class. Thereafter, refund less $25. Or, fee may be applied to future class or transferred to another person. Class size limited.

Receive:     Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.

CE Hours:14 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many State

About Author:
Bill`s introduction to Reflexology might have started as a young boy. His mother went through many surgeries. She used today, Billy, would you rub my feet? Mama Flocci`s feet would feel better, and, the rest of her would feel better as well.

In 1982 Bill coined the word Ear Reflexology began pioneering the integration of Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, in so doing accelerating the popularization not only of Ear Reflexology, but also of Hand Reflexology at conferences and workshops around the world. More information please visit site www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Advanced Ear Reflexology

12 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many States

Since Ear Reflexology maps of the body were first discovered during 1957 in France, with further discoveries during 1959 in China, leading medical researchers have discovered hundreds of additional points. Learn the

10 Master Points that have a broad impact on the body, such as: Tranquilizer, Pain Control, Master Oscillation Points. Also, at least 15 Functional Points which can have an impact on special functions of the body, such as: Allergy Point, Hypertension Point, Asthma Point, Constipation Point, Skin Disorders Point, Sleep Disorders Point, will be presented. Also learn Protocols – Combining Ear Reflexology Map Reflexes, Master Points, & Functional Points – for such health challenges as: Addictive Behaviors, Stress Related Disorders, Drug Detoxification, Smoking Withdrawal, Weight Control / Eating Disorders, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, and Irritability.

Terry Oleson Ph.D. is an internationally known author and lecturer in the field of Auriculotherapy, conduct pioneering research on auricular diagnosis and Auriculotherapy at the UCLA Pain Management Center in Los Angles, and is Chair of the Department of Psychology and the Division of Behavioral Medicine at the California Graduate Institute.. He also serves on the faculty of a number of universities. Terry is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading experts on the power of the Reflexology maps in the outer ears. His book, Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture is possibly the most complete book available in the field today.

December 13-14, 2014     Saturday & Sunday     9:30 AM – 5 PM Both Days

Location:     13315 W. Washington Blvd, LA, CA 90066 3rd Floor, TOT Room, near Lincoln Blvd, close to Marina del Rey, Free ground floor parking. Student lounge. Restaurants nearby. Ask for Hotel list

Fee:     $220 One month early, $240 thereafter. Refund 100% if cancellation by day prior to class. Thereafter, refund less $25. Or, fee may be applied to future class or transferred to another person.
Class size limited.Prerequisite: ***Beginning Ear Reflexology from a hands-on school.

Receive:     Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.

CE Hours: 12 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many States

For more info: www.americanacademyofreflexology.com

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Round About: The Immune System. Are all chronic health problems caused by inflammation?

From Denmark–Round About: Immunity

Metamorphosis is a gentle type of Reflexology done on the feet, hands, and head addressing core imprints and patterns that developed prenatally and are held in the body’s cellular memory..

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Is inflammation the underlying cause of most diseases?New research indicates that this is in fact the case. It is well established that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process, not just caused by raised cholesterol/fatty diet as previously assumed. The same is most likely the case with conditions as different as Alzheimer’s, many muscle and joint pains, MS, rheumatic diseases, Chron’s disease, endometriosis, etc.Autoimmune diseases are becoming more and more common and allergies are on the rise.

You will learn many new techniques to work with and
Balance The Immune System.
  • An energy medicine perspective on the immune system
  • What is inflammation and autoimmunity?
  • What is allergy and intolerance?
  • The tight coupling between immune system and digestion
  • Important factors that disturb the immune system
  • Updated foot reflex map for lymphatic and immune system organs
  • How does tress affect the immune system?
  • Nerve reflexology for the immune system
  • Easy, precise sequence for lymphatic drainage via foot reflexes
  • Introductory demonstration of organ massage of the intestines
  • Vibration technique on feet for connective tissue to enhance cell communication
  • New knowledge about inflammation and earthing
Material An extensive fully illustrated workbook is included with the workshop.
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Dorthe Krogsgaard and Peter Lund Frandsen have specialized in providing continuing education for reflexologists. Their centre called Touchpoint is a leading CPD-institution in Denmark. Dorthe and Peter have presented their workshops in many countries around the world and are now returning to the USA.For more information on Dorthe Krogsgaard and Peter Lund Frandsen and their teachings and background, check their website www.touchpoint.dk which also has several articles written by them in English.Don’t miss studying with these remarkable teachers

April 26-27, 2014    Saturday & Sunday    9:30 AM – 5 PM Both Days

Location:    13315 W. Washington Blvd, LA, CA 90066, 3rd Floor, TOT Room, near Lincoln Blvd, Marina del Rey, & LAX, Free ground floor parking. Student lounge. Restaurants nearby. Ask for Hotel list.

Fee:    $320by March 26th, $340 thereafter. Refund100% if cancellation by day prior to class. Thereafter, refund less $25. Or, fee may be applied to future class or transferred to another person. Class size limited.Prerequisite: * Beginning Foot Reflexology from a hands-on school.

Receive:     Document of attendance with class title, hours, school & teachers name, location.
CE Hours:14 CE Hours for ARCB, ABMP, NCBTMB & Many State

For more info: www.americanacademyofreflexology.com